Sorry, I couldn't post the video thing here.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Super, Super Happy~
It's me again and as the title says, I'm super, super, super, UBER happy. Why? Oh, I'll tell you guys. ^^ There are two factors which caused me to be HAPPY. One of the two factors are.... One of my best friends, Aiman created this super cool video containing me and the rest of my class. Its structure is overall pretty nice and is somewhat smart. There are a few errors here and there like the title showing up only for a brief amount of time and a missing classmate. But I like it.
I wish I could show you it but unfortunately, I'm too much of a newbie to Blogger to know how to post videos. >.< If someone could tell me over in the Comment Section, that'd be lovely. Oh, and it's on Youtube. I found out. :D
Well, the next and last factor is me winning 2nd Place in a short story contest. I didn't expect to win especially after one moderator told me the amount of marks she gave me. The marks were very low and as I took a look at the other entries, I was convinced that I would lose. But since I won second, I'm super UBER happy. If anyone who voted me views this, then I'd like to thank you.
Anyway, that's it for now. See yaz~
It's me again and as the title says, I'm super, super, super, UBER happy. Why? Oh, I'll tell you guys. ^^ There are two factors which caused me to be HAPPY. One of the two factors are.... One of my best friends, Aiman created this super cool video containing me and the rest of my class. Its structure is overall pretty nice and is somewhat smart. There are a few errors here and there like the title showing up only for a brief amount of time and a missing classmate. But I like it.
Well, the next and last factor is me winning 2nd Place in a short story contest. I didn't expect to win especially after one moderator told me the amount of marks she gave me. The marks were very low and as I took a look at the other entries, I was convinced that I would lose. But since I won second, I'm super UBER happy. If anyone who voted me views this, then I'd like to thank you.
Anyway, that's it for now. See yaz~
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Introducing my new blog~~~~
I haven't updated in a while and for that, I'm really sorry. ._. I'll try my best at updating as soon as I can, k? Okay, now I expect all those people who view my blog (Population: Few) are probably wondering what I have been up to. Well, here's your answer. Actually wait, I'll tell you what ISN'T the cause and then I'll let you guess. Those who know me will probably have a better guess.
Okay firstly, I and the rest of my family members didn't fall sick. None of my family members/ people close to me have died. I have not spent a party with my friend. I haven't been kidnapped. I haven't been addicted to a book. I hadn't been captured by the circus, where they forced me to become a lion tamer where I succeeded and they forced me to live there for the rest of my life. o-o Oh, and I hadn't felt depressed.
Haha, then what is it? I bet you want to know~! Well, the thing is I've been brainstorming/writing a story. I bet you really would like to see it. Well, you can't. Why? It isn't ready yet. And when it is ready, I'm afraid I won't be posting it here. Well, you see..... My friends and I have made this new blog where all of us post up stories. Who are these friends I'm working with? Hmm, well I'll tell you. We have four members as a part of our staff which is me (Dan), Ili, Aiman and Miraa.
We have a theme this week which is horror. And I really suck at that specific genre. But wish me all the luck~! Anyway, here's a link to our blog. We apologize if we do really terrible mistakes but hey, we're all novices to the English language. Anyway, that'll be it. There have been other things that have occured which I don't mind posting but.... I need to get to typing.
Until next time~
I haven't updated in a while and for that, I'm really sorry. ._. I'll try my best at updating as soon as I can, k? Okay, now I expect all those people who view my blog (Population: Few) are probably wondering what I have been up to. Well, here's your answer. Actually wait, I'll tell you what ISN'T the cause and then I'll let you guess. Those who know me will probably have a better guess.
Okay firstly, I and the rest of my family members didn't fall sick. None of my family members/ people close to me have died. I have not spent a party with my friend. I haven't been kidnapped. I haven't been addicted to a book. I hadn't been captured by the circus, where they forced me to become a lion tamer where I succeeded and they forced me to live there for the rest of my life. o-o Oh, and I hadn't felt depressed.
Haha, then what is it? I bet you want to know~! Well, the thing is I've been brainstorming/writing a story. I bet you really would like to see it. Well, you can't. Why? It isn't ready yet. And when it is ready, I'm afraid I won't be posting it here. Well, you see..... My friends and I have made this new blog where all of us post up stories. Who are these friends I'm working with? Hmm, well I'll tell you. We have four members as a part of our staff which is me (Dan), Ili, Aiman and Miraa.
We have a theme this week which is horror. And I really suck at that specific genre. But wish me all the luck~! Anyway, here's a link to our blog. We apologize if we do really terrible mistakes but hey, we're all novices to the English language. Anyway, that'll be it. There have been other things that have occured which I don't mind posting but.... I need to get to typing.
Until next time~
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Guys, do you know erm, what do you call it? It's that day when you're feeling ever so happy because you'll be having a long holiday. It's that day when you feel so happy because you're going to learn things more advanced. It's that day when you feel sad when you have to leave some teachers and friends. What's that day called?
Oh right, the end of school.
Today IS the end of school but I meant to post this yesterday. But since my computer had some problems yesterday, I'll be posting it today. Well, first things first a specific person will not be having his end of school today like the others but his end of school was yesterday. And perhaps that day will be the very last day he spends over at my school. People, I'm afraid that one of my friends, Zayyad, might be leaving.
Yesterday we (my friends) spent a whole lot of time with him, catching pictures so he will remember us. Us hanging around with him will also be a thing we miss. Anyway, if Zayyad does leave (because he just might not), then I'll be wishing him a whole lot of luck in his new school. Today is everyone else's last day of school and I'll be spending it with my friends.
Ah~ I'll miss school and my friends after today.
Oh right, the end of school.
Today IS the end of school but I meant to post this yesterday. But since my computer had some problems yesterday, I'll be posting it today. Well, first things first a specific person will not be having his end of school today like the others but his end of school was yesterday. And perhaps that day will be the very last day he spends over at my school. People, I'm afraid that one of my friends, Zayyad, might be leaving.
Yesterday we (my friends) spent a whole lot of time with him, catching pictures so he will remember us. Us hanging around with him will also be a thing we miss. Anyway, if Zayyad does leave (because he just might not), then I'll be wishing him a whole lot of luck in his new school. Today is everyone else's last day of school and I'll be spending it with my friends.
Ah~ I'll miss school and my friends after today.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Introduction Part II
Hey friends~
I guess I haven't told you about me AT ALL, not even during my first post.. XP Hehe, let me tell you all about me now, k? Firstly, my name is pretty long (XP) and I won't be revealing it. I want you all to just call me Dan though. I am 13 years old and I live in Malaysia! School's nearly over for me so soon I'll be having a big break (Yay!) which means more updates if I have some more news to put on of course. Anyway, my best friends are Miraa, Aiman and Fakhrul and if you hadn't noticed, they starred in my previous dream. ^^ I also have best e-friends called Amy and Min.
K, now let me tell you about my personality. My friends have told me that I am super super SUPER happy, friendly to specific people and not-so for the others, smart, a bookworm, a techie person and weird. But hey, weird and happy is a very good combination. Amirite? XP People have also said that I am not a very.... Sporty-person. And I agree with that. I prefer reading and staying indoors. ^^ And if you've got something to say AGAINST that then you should shush up. :P No offence, of course!
Right, now I'll tell you about my interests. I enjoy reading a whole bunch of books (My favourite books are from the 'Warriors' series by Erin Hunter), writing long, long essays (I usually write one-shots though), chatting away (No one can stop me when I start XP), role-playing (I'm not so good at it however XP) and watching anime (Such as Full Moon O Sagashite and Kodomo no Omocha). I also LOVE listening to music as it is my source of inspiration. I enjoy Taylor Swift's and Owl City's songs.
Hmm, more? What else should I talk about, eh? My favourite food is pizza and candy (not with each other of course). My fave pizza is Pepperoni and my favourite candy is 'Gummybears!'. I just love those cute little bundles of adorableness! My favourite sport is swimming and my favourite animal is.... a Goldfish! Why is my favourite animal a Goldfish? We can thank my funny little goldfish, Si Gemuk who always gets blown away by the engine. He reminds me so much of Goldie who is now dead. :(
Anyway, I don't think I have much more to say. If you want to know more about me, comment over a question and I'll answer it.
See you next time~
I guess I haven't told you about me AT ALL, not even during my first post.. XP Hehe, let me tell you all about me now, k? Firstly, my name is pretty long (XP) and I won't be revealing it. I want you all to just call me Dan though. I am 13 years old and I live in Malaysia! School's nearly over for me so soon I'll be having a big break (Yay!) which means more updates if I have some more news to put on of course. Anyway, my best friends are Miraa, Aiman and Fakhrul and if you hadn't noticed, they starred in my previous dream. ^^ I also have best e-friends called Amy and Min.
K, now let me tell you about my personality. My friends have told me that I am super super SUPER happy, friendly to specific people and not-so for the others, smart, a bookworm, a techie person and weird. But hey, weird and happy is a very good combination. Amirite? XP People have also said that I am not a very.... Sporty-person. And I agree with that. I prefer reading and staying indoors. ^^ And if you've got something to say AGAINST that then you should shush up. :P No offence, of course!
Right, now I'll tell you about my interests. I enjoy reading a whole bunch of books (My favourite books are from the 'Warriors' series by Erin Hunter), writing long, long essays (I usually write one-shots though), chatting away (No one can stop me when I start XP), role-playing (I'm not so good at it however XP) and watching anime (Such as Full Moon O Sagashite and Kodomo no Omocha). I also LOVE listening to music as it is my source of inspiration. I enjoy Taylor Swift's and Owl City's songs.
Hmm, more? What else should I talk about, eh? My favourite food is pizza and candy (not with each other of course). My fave pizza is Pepperoni and my favourite candy is 'Gummybears!'. I just love those cute little bundles of adorableness! My favourite sport is swimming and my favourite animal is.... a Goldfish! Why is my favourite animal a Goldfish? We can thank my funny little goldfish, Si Gemuk who always gets blown away by the engine. He reminds me so much of Goldie who is now dead. :(
Anyway, I don't think I have much more to say. If you want to know more about me, comment over a question and I'll answer it.
See you next time~
The Cartoon Experiment
Hey guys~
I just woke up so that means that nothing has happened to me yet.... Except this really cool dream! XP So if you want to hear, then stick around!
It all started with everyone in the Science Lab facing my teacher, Pn Mahizan. She told us that we had to split up into groups to perform an experiment. So, I grouped up with my closest friends Aiman, Fakhrul, Miraa and Syamil. Once we did, we gathered on one table before once again, paying some more attention on Pn. Mahizan. She began telling us about the experiment we were about to do. Apparently, we were all going to study about the advantages and disadvantages of cartoons.
My group exchanged looks with one another when she handed all of the groups one piece of A4 paper. She told us that this piece of paper was special because it was made out of the bark of the 'Ding-ding tree' or something like that. When each group had a piece of paper, one person from the group was required to draw a cartoon character on the paper.
The group picked me to draw and I immediately got to work. At first, I didn't have much of a clue but then I began drawing Kirby without his star thing. It turns out that I was the last one to draw when I was received death glares from the other members of my group. Afterward, Pn Mahizan handed over a Bunsen Burner to each group. She told us to burn the piece of paper. So we did. Immediately, when the fire touched the paper, Kirby began to form a bit at a time. When he was finally transformed, I saw that he was pink even though I didn't colour him. He looked around curiously. I also looked around and I found another three cartoons. There was one Sonic, one Mew and one Captain Knuckles.
Afterward, Pn Mahizan told us to push our characters from the third floor. Kirby, not understanding English was led up there. When we pushed him off, he didn't seem scared but curious. As he hit the ground, we noticed that he was on his feet and not horribly squished. However, when Mew was pushed off, she just teleported back to the group and Captain Knuckles and Sonic was horribly squished even though alive. Pn Mahizan told us to make some notes before fetching the cartoons. We did so and found that Kirby wasn't angry with us at all. The next thing we did was to force them to fight with one another.
Kirby won immediately when he sucked in all characters and transformed into a feline with spikes on his back, wearing Captain Knuckles' clothes. He exhaled them all out and we made some more notes. We found that Kirby had unlimited space in his mouth. The next and last thing we had to do was give it an eraser. We did so and immediately, Kirby began vanishing. He didn't fight nor did he scream, he was acting like nothing was happening.
When all cartoons were finally gone, we were required to make a report on this. I don't know how but Miraa managed to write our group's report in less than ten seconds on a dozen pages. Pn Mahizan took a look at it and gave us an A. We were so happy that we aced our Science that we began celebrating aloud with 'woo's and 'yay's. And then before I know, I woke up. It was the best dream EVER! XP I wish I'll have another dream like that. Perhaps a sequel? Hehe. XP
I just woke up so that means that nothing has happened to me yet.... Except this really cool dream! XP So if you want to hear, then stick around!
It all started with everyone in the Science Lab facing my teacher, Pn Mahizan. She told us that we had to split up into groups to perform an experiment. So, I grouped up with my closest friends Aiman, Fakhrul, Miraa and Syamil. Once we did, we gathered on one table before once again, paying some more attention on Pn. Mahizan. She began telling us about the experiment we were about to do. Apparently, we were all going to study about the advantages and disadvantages of cartoons.
My group exchanged looks with one another when she handed all of the groups one piece of A4 paper. She told us that this piece of paper was special because it was made out of the bark of the 'Ding-ding tree' or something like that. When each group had a piece of paper, one person from the group was required to draw a cartoon character on the paper.
The group picked me to draw and I immediately got to work. At first, I didn't have much of a clue but then I began drawing Kirby without his star thing. It turns out that I was the last one to draw when I was received death glares from the other members of my group. Afterward, Pn Mahizan handed over a Bunsen Burner to each group. She told us to burn the piece of paper. So we did. Immediately, when the fire touched the paper, Kirby began to form a bit at a time. When he was finally transformed, I saw that he was pink even though I didn't colour him. He looked around curiously. I also looked around and I found another three cartoons. There was one Sonic, one Mew and one Captain Knuckles.
Afterward, Pn Mahizan told us to push our characters from the third floor. Kirby, not understanding English was led up there. When we pushed him off, he didn't seem scared but curious. As he hit the ground, we noticed that he was on his feet and not horribly squished. However, when Mew was pushed off, she just teleported back to the group and Captain Knuckles and Sonic was horribly squished even though alive. Pn Mahizan told us to make some notes before fetching the cartoons. We did so and found that Kirby wasn't angry with us at all. The next thing we did was to force them to fight with one another.
Kirby won immediately when he sucked in all characters and transformed into a feline with spikes on his back, wearing Captain Knuckles' clothes. He exhaled them all out and we made some more notes. We found that Kirby had unlimited space in his mouth. The next and last thing we had to do was give it an eraser. We did so and immediately, Kirby began vanishing. He didn't fight nor did he scream, he was acting like nothing was happening.
When all cartoons were finally gone, we were required to make a report on this. I don't know how but Miraa managed to write our group's report in less than ten seconds on a dozen pages. Pn Mahizan took a look at it and gave us an A. We were so happy that we aced our Science that we began celebrating aloud with 'woo's and 'yay's. And then before I know, I woke up. It was the best dream EVER! XP I wish I'll have another dream like that. Perhaps a sequel? Hehe. XP
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hai guys~
I bet you're wondering about this blog I just put up. Although I doubt whether this blog will turn really popular, I do believe that this blog may get a few views here and there. Or so I hope. XP Well, anyway, there isn't any specific reason that I made this blog up, it's just here to keep myself entertained when I'm insanely bored. Like right now. What should write about now, eh?
To start things off, I'll think I'll list the reasons of why I decided to make my own blog. Brace yourselves people!
Firstly, a majority of my friends own a blog and I, being one who loves to follow the latest fads decided to also build a blog. My life is always/usually filled with a number of events which I could probably post over here from time to time. Unfortunately, no interesting events have happened today so that's why I'm introducing myself instead of telling you all about other stuff. Anyway, I've taken a peek at my friend's blogs here and there and they're usually based on a specific theme. I, not wanting a blog to be based on one specific thing decided to write a whole bunch of random things here and there. Hence the blog's name 'Random 8DDD'.
Secondly, I enjoy typing. Strange? Perhaps. But I don't think so. I find typing a nice activity and a wonderful way to let go of all the stress. When I am down, I usually type a whole bunch of stories and fanfiction until I'm okay again. I also type when I'm in a good mood but that's when I get some strange force telling me to write more stories. Writing stories is my hobby by the way.
Thirdly, I need a place to type away all events happening in my life. Keeping them to myself doesn't really help things much since I love to share news with other people. I just LOVE to chat with others and perhaps, this could be the exact place where I can do that apart from Facebook. Oh, and apart from sharing events, I also may share some stories or fanfiction when I want to. They won't be rare, nor will they be common. Maybe I'll post around a story/fanfic a week. But only when I get motivated though. Heh. XP
My last reason is that I find that my English may need some work here and there. If you did not know, I am from Malaysia, a country which doesn't have English as its main language. We do study it however. If you can, I'd really love it if you criticise my stories which I may put but please, don't be too harsh. I'm a thirteen year old boy who just doesn't like harsh critiques. Anyway, bye for now~ I'll make sure that I'll post in this blog as often as I can.
I bet you're wondering about this blog I just put up. Although I doubt whether this blog will turn really popular, I do believe that this blog may get a few views here and there. Or so I hope. XP Well, anyway, there isn't any specific reason that I made this blog up, it's just here to keep myself entertained when I'm insanely bored. Like right now. What should write about now, eh?
To start things off, I'll think I'll list the reasons of why I decided to make my own blog. Brace yourselves people!
Firstly, a majority of my friends own a blog and I, being one who loves to follow the latest fads decided to also build a blog. My life is always/usually filled with a number of events which I could probably post over here from time to time. Unfortunately, no interesting events have happened today so that's why I'm introducing myself instead of telling you all about other stuff. Anyway, I've taken a peek at my friend's blogs here and there and they're usually based on a specific theme. I, not wanting a blog to be based on one specific thing decided to write a whole bunch of random things here and there. Hence the blog's name 'Random 8DDD'.
Secondly, I enjoy typing. Strange? Perhaps. But I don't think so. I find typing a nice activity and a wonderful way to let go of all the stress. When I am down, I usually type a whole bunch of stories and fanfiction until I'm okay again. I also type when I'm in a good mood but that's when I get some strange force telling me to write more stories. Writing stories is my hobby by the way.
Thirdly, I need a place to type away all events happening in my life. Keeping them to myself doesn't really help things much since I love to share news with other people. I just LOVE to chat with others and perhaps, this could be the exact place where I can do that apart from Facebook. Oh, and apart from sharing events, I also may share some stories or fanfiction when I want to. They won't be rare, nor will they be common. Maybe I'll post around a story/fanfic a week. But only when I get motivated though. Heh. XP
My last reason is that I find that my English may need some work here and there. If you did not know, I am from Malaysia, a country which doesn't have English as its main language. We do study it however. If you can, I'd really love it if you criticise my stories which I may put but please, don't be too harsh. I'm a thirteen year old boy who just doesn't like harsh critiques. Anyway, bye for now~ I'll make sure that I'll post in this blog as often as I can.
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